Creative Arts & Science Update
Thank you to all the parents who have supported our PTO! Your contributions have augmented the excellent education program and support many of the Creative Arts & Science activities. Here is a recap of some of the activities our students have been able to experience, thanks to your support! Creative Arts and Science: What's been done and what's to come!
K- Author Deborah Sosin (Mindfulness ), Weather Workshop from Discovery Museum, Force and Motion workshop from Discovery Museum, Pumpernickel Puppet show
1st - Drumlin Farms (animals habitat)
2nd - Science Museum Planetarium show (solar system), Old Sturbridge Village field trip
3rd - Plimoth Plantation field trip, David Epstein meteorologist presentation, Wampanoag Indian workshop
4th - Discovery museum in class workshop (Physical Matters of change), Author visit Loree Griffin Burns (Bees study), Author Victoria Coe (writing)
5th - MFA to complement China studies,

Here's Some of What's Coming in 2018! K - Curious creatures in class visit (Animals), Author visit Rosemary Wells, Eric Carle workshop (Homes & Communities), Broadmoor Wildlife field trip, Acton Discovery Museum field trip. 1st - Author visit Lynn Hoopes (poetry), Author Jerry Pallota (writing), Wingmasters workshop (animals), Arnold Arboretum field trip (science plant life), Discovery museum workshop (weather) 2nd - Wheelock Family Theater to see Stuart Little, Author visit Suzy Kline, Tidepools field trip, Ellen Goethel workshop (marine life sciences) 3rd - Eine Kleine Konzert Recorder workshop to complement music studies, Freedom Trail in Boston, Discovery Museum (Sound) 4th - Lowell Mills field trip (a change in the making) and more 5th - Author Rob Buyea (writing), MFA (Egypt and China), Museum of Science workshop (Electromagnets), China Day We had an amazing all school assembly a couple weeks ago called the World Music Tour in which your children were presented with a variety of musical instruments from different cultures. It was highly interactive, the kids and teachers were instructed to play on them, and the kids had a ton of fun. (See photos). We have an interactive STEAM Museum assembly coming up in May. Thank you to the PTO for sponsoring all this, to the parents who have donated their time and money for this incredible amount of class enrichment at Hardy.