Don't be Tardy to Hardy

Every minute counts in school! At Hardy, students are in their classrooms ready to learn at 8:30 a.m. When children arrive on time, they begin their day with a positive outlook!
Students have responsibilities early in the day:
Unpack materials
Order lunch
Complete classroom responsibilities
Begin morning work to settle into the day
When all children arrive on time, it supports the classroom community.
Arriving late to school has a negative impact on your child and your child’s classroom. When a child comes into school late, the classroom teacher is already teaching and the late arrival of your child may create a disruption in instruction for the class. This may start the day off for your child in a less than ideal way and could cause your child to feel stressed.
The School Council has established the following guidelines to support a successful arrival and set a positive tone for the day:
Students may be dropped off beginning at 8:15 am. when the playground is monitored by Hardy faculty.
All doors at Hardy will be locked at 8:30 a.m. Students dropped off after 8:30 a.m. must be accompanied to the office with a parent or guardian through the front door. They will report to the office and receive a pink tardy slip. They will give this pink tardy slip to their classroom teacher.
Students will be marked tardy on their student record if they arrive after 8:30 a.m.
After the 3rd tardy, the principal will send home the Tardy Notice Letter to the child’s parents requiring their signature.
Other follow up measures or consequences may be explored if the issue continues.
The playground bell rings at 8:25. Grade 4 and 5 students come directly into school when the bell goes off. Students in grades K, 1, 2 and 3 line up on the blacktop and are escorted in by Hardy faculty.
Research has shown that attendance is critical for school success. A student who is 5-10 minutes late every day will miss the equivalent of a week of school.
The entire Hardy staff thanks you in advance for making sure every student learns responsible behavior by arriving to school on time!