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Thursday May 10, 2018
5:30 - 8:00 PM
Wellesley Middle School

Letter from the Organizers

Dear Hardy School Community,

This year, on May 10th, our Wellesley elementary school students, in partnership with the World of Wellesley, will take charge of celebrating and highlighting the international cultures represented throughout PAWS, Hardy, Fiske, Bates, Upham, Sprague and Schofield schools.

This, the first ever collaborative, Wellesley Multicultural Festival 2018 will be held at the Wellesley Middle School on May 10th from 5:30- 8:00 PM.

Our K-5th graders and their parents will be taking the lead to share world cultures with the whole Wellesley community via hands-on demonstrations, arts and crafts, posters, food and more! Please contact your school representatives (Rama K. Ramaswamy (, Michelle Ng ( and Lauren Lin ( on the planning committee to volunteer, and all suggestions are welcome!

Please sign up by April 2nd so we have time to gather supplies.

Please keep your receipts for reimbursement and plan for 60 attendees per item you choose to do. Please limit your expenses to under $100.

Here is a video of the Hardy School Multicultural Festival 2017.

Please keep in mind that this year's Wellesley MCF 18 is very flexible and does not necessarily have to adhere to this content/ format. The planning committee is happy to accommodate your ideas and suggestions!

Ideas for volunteers include:

*Food- (serves 15-25 people, not a full dinner) all ingredients must be nut-free and ingredients must be listed.

*Posters- create a poster about a world culture/s or possibly a story from a culture and explain in so you can talk to people about it (plan for 15- 20 minute discussion).

*Arts and Crafts- choose a art or craft project that represents your culture and explain how it relates to your culture while you show participants how to put it together (15- 20 minutes). Example #1: why are chopsticks important in Korean culture, how do we use them and how many grains of rice can you pick up in 20 seconds?

Example #2: how and why are Chinese lanterns made and important? What was the story about the first lantern?

*Workshop- non arts and crafts; cultural demonstration (15- 20 minutes). Example: how do Liberians carry a water pot on their head and walk around without dropping it- try it out for yourself.

Other ideas for cultural categories are welcome (deadline is 4/2/18)! For additional questions directed towards the World of Wellesley, please contact Rama K. Ramaswamy at For all other inquiries, please contact your school representative/s as listed above.

Volunteers please include the following information:
(Mobile) phone:
Cultural Item (food, workshop etc.):
Budget for 60 participants for each activity:

THANK YOU and we need your support to make this happen!!

Rama, Michelle and Lauren

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Hardy Elementary School PTO

​293 Weston Road
Wellesley, MA 02482

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