Getting Ready – What to Expect During the First Few Weeks of School
Hardy 101

What does my child need for school?
Classroom teachers will send a list of required school supplies in mid-late August. If you are purchasing a new backpack, keep in mind that even kindergarteners will be bringing 2-3 library books home once per week as well as their snack, lunch (if you pack their lunch) and hats, gloves, boots, etc depending on the weather. If you think it looks too big, it probably is just right.
2. How does lunch & snack work?
Snack: Kids should pack a snack and water bottle for the classroom as most classes have a mid-morning snack break. Note: some classrooms will have food restrictions based on allergies of classmates. Look for more info from your child’s teacher about any specific guidelines.
Lunch: Children can buy lunch or bring their own. If you choose to buy lunch, a menu is posted on the PTO website with the hot and cold options. Classroom teachers will take lunch orders each morning. If you choose to send your child with a packed lunch, keep in mind that the lunch boxes will be collected in the morning and sent to the cafeteria in a large box for each class.
Lunch scheduling is assigned by grade and is the same for the entire year. Some classes will eat lunch first and then have recess while others will have recess and then eat lunch. The grade pairings for lunch are as follows:
Kindergarten & 5th Grade
1st Grade & 4th Grade
2nd Grade & 3rd Grade
3. How does classroom assignment work?
The school portal will post teacher assignments on August 18th. Class lists are not distributed by the school; however, a google docs will circulate where parents can share their children’s teacher assignments. This is a good way to see who is in each class.
4. How will I get to know my child’s teacher?
Most teachers will schedule a short classroom visit the day before school starts. This is a nice way for you and your child to meet the teacher and see their classroom.
5. What should I expect during the first weeks of school?
All students have a half day on the first day of school, Wednesday, September 1st. Kindergartners will have half days through Friday, Sept 10th. During these first weeks, dismissal for Kindergartners will be at 12pm. The Kindergarten teachers will meet one on one with each student during these afternoons. You will sign up for a timeslot and will coordinate this with the teacher during the first few days of school.
All other students will have a normal schedule with dismissal at 3:05pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. Wednesday is always an early release with dismissal at 12pm. On half days, there is no lunch so your child will only need a snack.
6. What are “specials” and how will I find out the schedule?
Children have a few “special” classes during the week including music, art, physical education (P.E.), library and Spanish. Your child will require sneakers for P.E. and will not be allowed to participate without them. Your child will also be allowed to bring home library books each week. It is your child’s responsibility (with your gentle reminders) to return these books on the scheduled library day. For art, music, library and P.E., the children will change classrooms.
The schedule of special classes for your child will be sent home during the first week of school.
7. When is Back to School Night and what can I expect?
Back to school night will take place in mid-September. Details on date, time, and format will be released as it gets closer.
Keeping Up To Date – What to Expect On an On-Going Basis
8. How will I know what’s going on in my child’s classroom?
Teachers will communicate updates throughout the year. Some teachers send newsletters via email and others have websites to access the latest information. Specifics will be communicated directly to you by your child’s teacher.
9. How can I be involved in my child’s classroom?
Many classroom teachers welcome parent volunteers to assist with classroom celebrations, weekly programs and occasional field trips. You will receive information about this during the school year.
10. How will I receive updates about my child’s performance in the classroom?
There are 2 parent teacher conferences scheduled during the school year in October/November and in April/May. You will coordinate directly with your child’s classroom teacher and will usually select a timeslot using a Signup Genius link or Google Docs. Your child will also receive 2 report cards during the school year: one in January and one in June. If you have questions or concerns about your child during the year, your child’s teacher will advise on the best way to contact them.
11. What is School Spirit Day?
Hardy School Spirit Day is celebrated on the LAST Friday of every month. Children are encouraged to wear their Hardy gear or red and white (our Hardy school colors). Each child will receive a Hardy RISE t-shirt when they meet with their Kindergarten teacher the day before school begins.
12. How can my child celebrate their birthday in school?
While Hardy does not allow a food-based classroom celebration, each teacher has a special way in which they recognize and celebrate the students’ birthdays. Your child’s teacher will provide specific details.
13. How can I keep up to date with everything going on at Hardy throughout the year?
You can find a lot of helpful information on the PTO website (www.hardyelementary.org). A weekly Hardy Highlights email will be distributed on Sunday evenings with information about upcoming programs, events, fundraisers, etc. You can also follow the Hardy Elementary School PTO Facebook and Instagram pages to stay informed.
Pick Up & Drop Off – What Are the Do’s and Don’ts
14. How do I communicate my child’s transportation schedule to the school?
Each child is required to have a dismissal plan that is documented by the parents and kept on file with the school. Children can either be picked up by a parent/guardian/caregiver as a walker or via carline or they can ride the bus home from school. If you are picking up via car line, you must bring the laminated paper for your family each day. These will be distributed during the first week of school. If you are picking up your child as a walker, you must meet your child in the grassy area outside the gym doors.
15. Where is pick up & drop off?
If your child is a walker, you will drop them off at the playground anytime between 8:15 and 8:30am. You will pick them up in the grassy area outside the gym doors. More details about where each class will line up will be sent out closer to the start of the school year.
If your child will be transported by car, you will drop off your child in the circle on Hardy Road between 8:15 and 8:30am and they will wait on the playground until it is time for school to begin. At the end of the day, you must wait in the car line to pick your child up in the circle on Hardy Road. Pick up is at 3:05pm.
16. What happens at drop off?
The playground is monitored beginning at 8:15 and all classes will line up on the basketball courts at 8:30am. If it is raining or if it is too cold (below a “feels like” 20 degree or less), children will proceed directly inside.
17. What is car line etiquette?
School carline can be overwhelming at first, but you’ll get the hang of it quickly. Principal Smith sends out an email at the beginning of the school year that details carline. Please read it carefully and do your best to follow the procedures. Here are some helpful hints:
Do not get out of the car. If your child cannot unbuckle their own seatbelt, place their seat on the right side of the car so the teacher helping with carline can help get them out of the car.
If you are in the pickup line but on Weston Road, please pull up onto the sidewalk to allow traffic to get around you.
Please do not let your child get out of the car anywhere but at the front of the line on Hardy Road.
Pull up right behind the car in front of you.
Do not park in the line and leave your car.
Do not block driveways.
18. What if my child is late and the doors are locked?
If your child is late to school, even by a few minutes and the doors are locked, you will need to walk your child into school and bring them to the office. Please check in with Janet Rixon and then your child will proceed independently to their classroom.
19. What should I do if my child will be absent or tardy?
Please call Janet Rixon at 781-446-6225, ext. 8 to let the school know that your child will be late or absent. If you are calling before school hours, you will be able to leave a message on the absence line with information about your child, their classroom and the reason for their absence. If your child is ill, it is important to notify Carol Sullivan, the school nurse (sullivanc@wellesleyps.org).
20. Can my child leave their bikes or scooters at school during the day?
If your child rides their bike or scooter to school, there is a rack available for them to lock their bikes and scooters.
21. What should I do if the dismissal plan changes?
If your child is going home with another child or if you are picking them up early, it is your responsibility to notify the classroom teacher and Janet Rixon in writing of the change at the beginning of the school day. If something changes with your dismissal plan during the school day, you MUST call the school and notify your child’s teacher and Janet Rixon. If you do not speak to someone, you cannot assume that the change has been made.
Information for Hardy Parents
22. How can I contribute to the Hardy Community?
The PTO is always welcoming new, interested members and individual classrooms will have volunteer opportunities throughout the year. If you would like to get involved with the PTO, please contact Tanya Lisowsky, Hardy PTO president and Janine Paye, Hardy PTO VP at hardyschoolpto@gmail.com.